Comments in MLS can be entertaining and also telling of interesting property characteristics. Here are some gems I’ve stumbled upon recently during research that raised my eyebrows in curiosity or made me smile.
Placer County: Water for 1/2 the Year
No well for this property. Currently using irrigation water. Water available only 6 months of year. Must use bottled drinking water.
Auburn House: Where is it?
Somewhere in the junk cars and piles of metal, there is a 1 or 2 bedroom house on a flat 3/4 acre.
Yuba City Superhero Reference
Holy Clutter Batman! This short sale has amazing potential.
Yuba City Fixer: Dog Description
Hi, this is Rosie, Mama Duke’s canine assistant. I hate to say this, but this home isn’t even fit for a dog! But look past the weeds and junk and imagine this home all repaired. I could sun myself on the deck in the huge backyard in summer and lay by the fireplace in winter. Do some fixin’ and have a nice home again. Ahemm, however, in it’s as-is condition, it’s no doggone good! Enter with care and watch your step. By the way, I didn’t create the smell!
Modesto Kitchen
Fixer upper/Handyman special…Entire kitchen missing (I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve seen this in today’s market)
Thank you Realtors and agents for a bit of humor at times, but most of all thank you for being available to talk with real estate appraisers. We rely upon your insight into the local market as well as in-depth information on properties we appraise and consider for comps. It really makes a difference when you take a few minutes to thoughtfully respond to appraiser questions.
By the way, if you are still wondering if appraisers can speak with Realtors and agents due to HVCC, please read: Can Realtors Still Talk to Appraisers After May 2009? and Talking to Appraisers in an HVCC World: Tips for Real Estate Agents
We follow your tweets and this is one of the funniest things I have read in a long time. I shared with som appriasers here in British Columbia who aren’t on Twitter.
Put a smile on my face to start the day
Thanks Paul. I’m glad you liked that. I love this stuff. It cracks me up. Am I following you too on Twitter too? What is your Twitter handle? Let’s make sure to connect.