There has been quite a bit of buzz lately about QR codes. I’ve been intrigued with the conversation, and since I’ve found a few uses for QR codes lately for my appraisal business, I thought this post might be useful. I’d love to hear what you think. Do you see any potential uses for QR codes for your business?
What is a QR code? “QR” stands for “Quick Response”, and a QR code looks like the image to the right. Basically, a QR code is sort of like a customizable bar code where you can insert whatever information you’d like. You can very easily make a QR image online (free) and put it on a flyer, sticker, business card or your store front. Anyone with a smart phone can in turn quickly scan your code and view the information you’ve embedded – whether a video, PayPal “buy now” button, document, or maybe all your social media links.
What benefit does a QR code have? You can customize these codes to store information like websites, directions, your contact information, and so many other types of data. What if you put one of these codes on a flyer and then linked to a video with more information? What if your QR code linked to a free resource or offered a discount to others using your services? What if you gave a presentation and linked all your contact information into an image on the bottom of your handout? (like my FHA presentation document below).
How do you get a QR code? Simply go to a website like and follow their simple instructions. It’s so easy (and free). Just enter the information you want to embed in the image, the website generates the image for you, then download the image.
How do people scan the QR code? Any smart phone user can download a free “QR Code” app in whatever app market the phone uses. Just search for “QR code” and there are bound to be many free QR code reader apps. Simply install a reader, hover over the QR code, and you’ll get to where you need to go.
Lastly, here is a video from Daniel Allen of the Sacramento Association of Realtors. Daniel knows his stuff, and he explains in more depth about QR codes and their potential use for the real estate field.
What do you think?
Let me know if you have questions, insight, or any real estate appraisal or property tax consulting needs. Contact me at 916.595.3735, on my company website, or on Facebook.