A few weeks ago KCRA news anchor Diedre Fitpatrick filmed some of the Project 680 team “Raiding the Sock Aisle” at Target in Rancho Cordova. As you’ll see in the video, “Raiding the Sock Aisle” was coined by Erin Attardi. The story turned out really great. I love how it highlights the simplicity of making a difference in the community, our goal of collecting at least 2000 pairs of socks, and how social media can be used to advocate for local homeless kids too. Great job team!!! See the video below.
If you’re interested in www.project680.org, let me know. You can read more about the sock drive and community bike ride HERE.
If you are on Twitter, we are using “#bikingforsocks” as our official hashtag for the upcoming sock drive / bike ride. You can follow Project 680 on Twitter at @project680 and become a fan on Facebook too. Don’t forget to follow those in the video too: Erin Attardi at @erinattardi and Geoff Sakala at @rcpost and Diedre Fitzpatrick at @fitztweeter.
By the way, it’s cool to see that the Sacramento Association of Realtors highlighted Erin’s involvement in a story entitled “Sacramento Realtors in the News“. It’s great to see too how Real Estate Appraiser Tips put up a post entitled: “California Appraiser Ryan Lundquist on KCRA Sacramento News For A Good Cause“.
Fantastic press! So excited for you – I’m scheming on what store to “raid”
Thanks so much, Keith. That’s too cool, Keith. If you’re schedule is still open on the 8th of May, we’ll have to ride together. I need to get a couple of longer rides in before then too.