I had the pleasure this morning of touring a SMUD Energy Efficient Remodel Demonstration Project at 3893 32nd Avenue in Sacramento. This house was purchased as a bank-owned heavy fixer and then rehabbed by Housing Group Fund into a pristine and very energy-efficient home.
I made a video to give you a sense of what I saw. See below or HERE. What do you think? Have you ever heard of Quad-Lock before?
You did a great job with this video! Very impressive. To bad companies don’t pay extra for multi-media appraisals 🙂
Thanks Keith.
Great video Ryan, they really did a nice job on the rehab. and the energy efficiency.
Thanks Tom.
I agree, great video. The quad-lock looks like a great product. The open house looked packed. They did a great job, I liked how they had signs throughout the house explaining all of the energy efficient products.
Thanks Bryan.
I agree that the signs were a very nice touch. If the signs were not there, it would have been hard to really understand that this house was more “green”. One of the signs said something to the effect of, “being energy efficient is in large part about the things you do not see”. I found that to be very true in this house. You cannot see the quad-lock, added insulation, 50-year comp roof (you’d never know unless someone told you), and so many other features.
Nice job on the house and on the video. I agree, the signs informing people about the green building materials and techniques really brought it together. Great video and good luck with selling the house.
Thanks Mike. I apprciate your feedback and encouragement.