If you saw containers like this at a residential property, what questions would you ask? Two immediate questions that come to mind are: What is in the containers? Has anything in the containers been leaking into the soil?
I snapped the image below while inspecting a property for an estate settlement appraisal in the Arden-Arcade area of Sacramento. No lender is actually involved in this valuation, but when appraisers see things as such, it’s important to disclose it in the report because of the unanswered questions and potential for unseen environmental issues. There might be nothing wrong whatsoever, but storing chemicals and barrels at your house is going to raise red flags in the eyes of appraisers, real estate agents, lenders and attorneys. By the way, if you are concerned about contamination in your area, the EPA’s Superfund site may be a good resource for you.
What do you think is in the containers? (points for creativity)
If you have any real estate appraisal, valuation consulting, or property tax appeal needs in Greater Sacramento, contact me at 916.595.3735 or www.LundquistCompany.com.
Looks like the metal containers are varnish, but funny there are no handles on them. The big blue tub, hmmm, Large amounts of spray weed killer or liquid fertilizer, white buckets weed killer. If it was Tony Soprano’s house, my answers would be different.
You could be right, Sonja. Great “Sopranos” reference. I’m impressed.
so, in other words, hide containers before appraiser comes 🙂
Where you hide them, I will find them!!! 🙂