Let’s get real today. No appraisals, graphs or market trends. My first post this year listed out five business goals and five personal goals. So far I’m plugging away and aiming to meet all of them, though one in particular has not been going so well. If I do not do something right away, there is no way I am going to meet my goal to lose weight. In the beginning of the year I mentioned the need to drop 15 pounds (really it’s closer to 20), so now it’s time to take some action.
I posted this on Facebook two days ago:
I don’t know about you, but it seems much easier to meet goals when teaming up with others and making them public too. The response from my Facebook post was immediate and overwhelmingly positive, so there should be quite a few friends and business contacts joining up with this effort. Initially I did not want to manage another community emphasis, but I’m definitely game now that response has come through so strongly. Project 680 supports homeless students in the FCUSD, so it’s wonderful to be able to turn some fat into advocacy for local kids.
Charity Weight Loss: Does this resonate with anyone? Would you or your friends be interested to join? Maybe do this with your family, the office, church? This will begin September 1 and go through December 1, 2013. Visit the 90-Day Health Challenge on Project 680’s website.
By the way, how are your goals coming along this year so far? I’d love to hear about a goal you have already met or are close to meeting. Comments are welcome below.
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OK, I am in Mr. Lundquist. I will shoot for 20lbs., but I am hungry already. ;o)
Alright Ray!! I am so excited to hear it. I am also shooting for 20 pounds and I am profoundly hungry at night around 8-9pm (my weakest moments). Let’s do this Ray!