Since we are taxed at a rate of up to 1.25% on the total assessed value of our properties, this basically means that for every $10,000 of assessed value you are paying roughly $100. Thus if you purchase a house for $300,000 and the value is $300,000, you will pay roughly $3,000 in property tax per year.
Imagine the following:
Assessed Value $25,000 too high = you overpay by $250 per year
Assessed Value $50,000 too high = you overpay by $500 per year
Assessed Value $100,000 too high = you overpay by $1,000 per year
Assessed Value $150,000 too high = you overpay by $1,500 per year
Assessed Value $200,000 too high = you overpay by $2,000 per year
As I stated in a previous post, my primary residence is currently assesed $35,000 too high and so I am scheduled to pay an additional $350 per year beyond what I should rightfully pay the Assessor. That doesn’t sit well with me. But there are home owners facing much more drastic situations where if they appeal their property taxes, they have a potential to save as much as $500-$1,000+.
Many times local home owners opt out of doing anything to contest their property taxes because they just don’t know what to do. That’s where we come in. We are glad to walk Greater Sacramento home owners through the process of appealing property taxes. We can help you understand what you can do and also what we can do for you. Whether you live in one of the following counties or own property in Sacramento, Placer, Yolo, El Dorado, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Yuba, Sutter, Solano, or Merced County, give us a call today at 916-595-3735 or email us at We invite you also to take a look at our property tax appeal website at
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