This is very cool, and I encourage you to come check it out, especially if you work in the real estate field. SMUD has a fantastic demonstration next week on one of Housing Group Fund’s rehab properties. A home at 3893 32nd Avenue in Sacramento is part of the SMUD Energy Efficient Remodel Demonstration Project, and it’s going to be showed off next Tuesday, April 20, 2010 from 11:00am-2:00pm.
SMUD claims that the state-of-the-art technology in this house can save up to 60% off utility bills (up to $1,500 per year in utility bills for the home owner). SMUD also offers some pretty amazing rebates for customers.
Free lunch is provided to Realtors. I’m planning on going and capturing on video some of the nifty features SMUD has installed on this house. If you’re in the real estate field, maybe I could interview you while at the property. It should be exciting to see how SMUD has outfitted this home to be more energy efficient.
At the site, you will:
· See what a whole house energy efficient remodel looks like
· Learn how your clients can save up to 60% off utility bills
· Talk to SMUD Reps about new rebate programs
· Learn about the most advanced energy efficient measures and technology
Call or email Dennis Lanni with the Sacramento Associaton of Realtors Housing Opportunity Committee. 916-826-1681 or dennis [at] housinggroupfund [dot] com. Download a flyer HERE (pdf).
See you there
Right on, Keith.