Put on your economist hat and let’s take a look at the past decade of unemployment rates in Sacramento County based on the month of June. What do you see? Comments are welcome below.
June 2010 12.6%
June 2009 11.5%
June 2008 6.9%
June 2007 5.4%
June 2006 4.9%
June 2005 5.1%
June 2004 5.9%
June 2003 6.3%
June 2002 5.8%
June 2001 4.5%
Wow, what a scary trend, and now at 12.6%. 2009 was rough and it is not getting any better from those numbers. What do you think 2011 will be? Hopefully a turn in a better direction.
I know. The jump in unemployment from 2008-2009 was really big, and it got even worse last year. The news is so mixed and some articles spout hope for better days, while others are still not very encouraging. I think unemployment is a huge factor though because if jobs don’t come along, things really cannot turn around like we want them to.
I remember how all the “experts” were saying we’d see a turn-around in 2009 and then in 2010. We have seen some signs of improvement for sure, but we’re not out of the woods.