Have you ever wondered why appraisers check out the attic during an FHA inspection? Let me give you a little tour of a property in Sacramento County to help illustrate why appraisers do this. Guidelines for conventional financing do not call for an attic inspection, but FHA standards definitely do. What kind of negative property characteristics do you think could be found in an attic?
Let me know if you have questions or insight. If you are a local real estate office in the Sacramento area, I’m happy to come and give my FHA presentation. Contact me at 916.595.3735, on my company website, or on Facebook
Don’t forget about fire damage. Luckily I haven’t seen any issues in an attic yet.
I get a little nervous every time I have to go up there, since my last home (115+ years old) had bats in the attic when I bought it. I’d probably fall off the ladder if one flew at me when I was in the attic.
Good call. Thanks for the mention on fire damage. Did you buy the bat cave or something? 🙂 I have colleagues who have found dead bodies in attics. Thankfully I have not come across that yet. I’m okay if I avoid that sort of finding.
What! I can’t image what I would do if I found a dead body in an attic. And great video Ryan!
I hear you, Bryan. I think my response at the moment would vary greatly whether the home was currently occupied or not. Thanks for the kudos.