Are you going to the NorCal Real Estate EXPO? It’s on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 from 8:30am-4:00pm at the Sacramento Convention Center. The Expo is going to be packed with numerous real estate classes, 50+ vendors, 500+ people, networking, cocktails and even a fashion show. I’m looking forward to meeting Frank & Brian from Think Big Work Small, hearing Jim Pelley as one of the key note speakers (I follow him on Twitter, but haven’t met him in person yet) and of course gleaning some tech tips from Chris Tellez & Mike Mueller.
I met up with Realtor Jeff Jurach this afternoon to shoot a promo video for this year’s Expo as shown below. Check out the video and let me know if you plan to be there. It would be great to meet up.
If you have any real estate appraisal, consulting, or property tax appeal needs in the Greater Sacramento Region, contact me at 916.595.3735, by email, on our company website or via Facebook.
I have heard Jim Pelley in person, and he is very entertaining. Lots o’ laughs, but with timely content!
Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve heard Jim is fantastic. I’ve always enjoyed his tweets, but it’ll be nice to actually see him in action in person. I just followed you on Twitter, by the way.
That expo looks great, and I sure wish it was in San Jose! 🙂 I will consider coming, and will email you back if I am attending. It is about 2.5 hours away, but I will try.
That’s definitely a trek, Sonja. There are over 30 Realtor Associations involved in this Expo. I wonder if anyone from San Jose is involved. It would be ideal to connect with some locals and then drive up together – of course if others from San Jose will be coming (not sure about that). Take care.
Looking at the line up (baseball pun) I don’t think there’s any way you should miss this. Simply put, there’s nothing out there where you can get this kind of content all in one day and for the price!
Looking forward to the event and thanks Ryan for the mention!
No problem at all, Mike. I agree with you. It’s a heavy-hitting roster (to continue the analogy). I’ll be brining my Flip and tripod to do some interviews too. Thanks for stopping by.