Since the Anatolia area of Rancho Cordova is located four miles south of Highway 50 in a more secluded portion of the city, all the neighborhoods in that area are often referred to as “Anatolia”. There are actually currently three distinct communities in this area though and only one of them is under the Anatolia HOA. You can see the HOA outlined in red below and also the Sunridge Park and Kavala Ranch neighborhoods nearby – both not a part of the HOA (yet identified as such at times).
It’s important in real estate to understand neighborhood boundaries since buyers might be attracted to certain neighborhoods for a variety of reasons. Some buyers might prefer the Anatolia HOA, the clubhouse and slightly older houses (2005+), while other buyers might be attracted to new construction in Kavala Ranch or Sunridge Park (over 50% of sales last year were new construction). As you can see in the graph below, Anatolia has the highest and lowest sales in the 95742 market, while Kavala Ranch and Sunridge Park seem to fit nicely in the middle of the range of sales in Anatolia.
Can you think of any other neighborhoods in the Sacramento area that are lumped together under one title despite being distinct communities? If you live in the Anatolia area, what drew you to the community? Regardless of where you live, do you prefer an HOA or no HOA?
If you have any real estate appraisal, consulting, or property tax appeal needs in the Greater Sacramento Region, contact me at 916.595.3735, by email, on our appraiser website or via Facebook.
Sunridge Park also is being touted as a solar community with much of the newer construction having full solar. Might make a good study area for solar vs non-solar.
Good point, Bill. We’ll see what happens in that regard. Kavala Ranch also has some solar features too.