If you didn’t know, there are actually quite a few “green” resources available to home owners in the Sacramento area. These assets can help home owners conserve energy and water and save a few bucks too.
Sacramento Tree Foundation: Get up to 10 free shade trees for your property from SMUD. Watch a video here. I actually have four trees on my property from the shade tree program.
- Energy Upgrade California: This website is a great resource for energy and water efficiency programs and is geared toward both consumers and trade professionals.
- Realtor’s Energy Audit Program: The California REALTOR®’S Energy Audit Program provides up to a $250 rebate on a Home Energy Rating System (HERS) home energy audit conducted by a certified HERS rater (from CAR website). Watch a video on REAP here. This is good for finding out what areas of your home might need some efficiency TLC. Water Rebates for Residents: Find water rebates offered by a handful of local water suppliers in the Sacramento area. This can come in especially handy when purchasing a toilet or clothes washer.
Check Before You Burn in Sacramento: As we all know, residents and businesses are prohibited from using indoor and outdoor fireplaces and such on certain days. This website lets you know which days are “burn days”.
- Energy Efficient Mortgage: The EEM Program was created by HUD to allow home buyers the opportunity to upgrade the energy efficiency of the home they are purchasing during the escrow period (from website).
- Energy Improvement Grant: The energy improvement grant is designed to promote the HUD Energy Efficient Mortgage (EEM) Program. The SAR program provides a grant of $2000 to buyers who take advantage of the Energy Efficient Mortgage in the purchase of their home. The grant is applied to energy upgrades and limited qualified closing costs (from website).
SMUD’s Home Performance Program: SMUD has various programs and financing options to help home owners increase energy efficiency in their homes.
- Turf Replacement Program: The Placer County Water Authority has a pilot program for replacing lawns. There may be some in Sacramento too. Know of any? Per the PCWA website, the program offers a $300 rebate for lawns replaced with non-water consuming material and a $150 rebate for lawns replaced with low to moderate water-use plants.
- Free Water Audits: California American Water provides free water audits where a conservation specialist will visit your home, identify ways to help you save water, and even provide free low flow fixtures for your kitchen and bathroom (from website).
Green Marketing Tools: The Sacramento Association of Realtors has a compilation of flyers available for local consumers and Realtors to help home owners take advantage of available resources.
The bulk of resources listed above came from a recent meeting at the Sacramento Association of Realtors. What other “green” resources exist for home owners in the Sacramento area? What have you done to promote conversation in your home?
If you have any questions, or real estate appraisal or property tax appeal needs in the Greater Sacramento Region, contact Lundquist Appraisal by phone 916-595-3735, email, Facebook or subscribe to posts by email.
Wow, thank you Ryan for these great tips! In the back of my mind I knew there was a tree program through SMUD but didn’t know anything about it! I can definitely use some shade trees in my backyard – I’m going to call them!
No problem at all, Barbara. The tree program is really great. We actually had them come out for the backyard a few years ago, but then we did the front yard too after having to cut down our diseased 50-year old tree. I can’t wait to hear about new trees in your yard. Free is not a hard sell either. Go Barbara!!
Thanks, Ryan! I agree – free is not a hard sale! I can’t wait to contact them – I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!
Good topic Ryan. I find the more that you can link ‘Goin Green’ with with keeping more dollars in someones pocket, the more interest that homeowners have. (unless of course they are actualy altruistic regarding the subject) Thanks for collecting all of the links and programs into one spot.
It’s very true. When our wallets feel relief, it’s strong incentive to conserve. Likewise, when water meters were installed on my street, it’s made a difference with how much water we use (and rates keep going up too).