I’ve written before about how to prepare for an appraisal inspection, but I wanted to revisit the topic from the other side today. Here are 10 things NOT to do when the appraiser comes over.
- Walk around the house in your birthday suit.
- Let the dogs run loose to lick and bite the appraiser at will.
- Lock your doors so the appraiser doesn’t have access to each room.
- Watch “adult” movies (this actually happened once…. yikes).
- Let the appraiser surprise sleeping house guests. Rise and shine.
- Make things as messy as possible.
- Refuse to discuss any recent updates to your home.
- Follow the appraiser around as much as possible.
- Buy lavish gifts in hopes of boosting value.
- Don’t make a list of recent improvements.
You know I’m only having fun, and I’m pretty sure you can sift through what I’m saying to understand a bit more how to be ready when an appraiser comes to inspect your property. If not, please read “What should you do before the appraiser comes?” If you have any questions, let me know.
Anything you’d add to the list?
If you have any questions or Sacramento area real estate appraisal or property tax appeal needs, contact me by phone 916-595-3735, email, Twitter, subscribe to posts by email or “like” my page on Facebook
I think #8 should be #1. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t know how many times I’ve had to go back out to houses to take another picture because I missed something due to an owner “piggy backing”.
I hear you. I typically do my inspection of the house first and then sit down for a chat with the owner. It can be distracting when carrying on a conversation and also trying to be thorough.
Being that I’m not an appraiser, I’m of the opposite opinion. I think #8 should be on the things to do list but within reason. Watching what you do isn’t the same as interfering with the task at hand. I think you can still be efficient and the homeowner can maintain a sense of control and understanding by allowing them to observe. If anything, people should do their homework and learn about what it is that you’re there to do and how you come to your final assessment. Or better yet, give the homeowner material to read during your visit and tell them that you will review the items of import with them after you’ve had to thoroughly inspect the property. Just my 2 cents.
Kris, I think you make a tremendous point. I definitely think owners should prepare a list of questions too. Thank you for bringing that up. I think we’re probably saying the same thing ultimately. Ask questions, interact, have conversation, but don’t hover to the point where it feels uncomfortable. We tend to not hover with other professionals who enter homes like plumbers, contractors, landscapers, etc… It’s important to interview and understand, but there comes a point to let the person do their job. That’s all I’m getting at. That may not be very clear from one brief sentence in #8.
The consumer should ask whatever questions needed and definitely understand what the appraiser is and is not doing. After all, it’s personal to have a stranger enter your home, and it’s a big deal to borrow money too (if the appraisal is for a loan). So the appraiser should certainly be understanding of questions – even if there are many. I would certainly have a number of issues to discuss with an appraiser if I were to be paying money for someone to value my property.
I’ve found some owners want to chat, which is great, but others do not. I typically have a mini “here’s what I’m going to do” spiel before I begin my inspection. I then take some time to do what I need to do, and then interview the owner after measuring the house and making observations. I try to explain to the owner in advance of my inspection what I will do and the need for a conversation afterward. That’s my preference and a formula I’ve found to work well after inspecting thousands of homes.
Thanks again Kris. I appreciate your comment. Great reminder to communiate clearly and listen.
Great reading! Those are happening everyday! What are people thinking?
It makes me wonder sometimes, Rusesell. 🙂
I love this Ryan. I am sure you have come across some crazy stuff. I actually have showed homes and was surprised to find someone sleeping in a bedroom. It’s very awkward!
Thank so much Sheri. It’s never a fun thing to wake someone up. Ah, we get so many stories from working in real estate.
The appraiser for my home was here for 6 minutes. He even left his car running with his door wide open. He didn’t take photos of my patio that is enclosed and runs the length of the house nor did he converse with me at all. I’m very concerned that the appraisal will not be accurate.
Thanks Nicole. I would be concerned too. Are you sure this was an appraiser? Or was it someone else the bank sent out? Is this for a loan, short sale, etc…? I hope you got a business card to verify the identity of the person.
It was the appraiser. The lender just contacted him for the appraisal today and we are waiting, very impatiently. He will most likely be using the next door neighbor’s house as a comparable, which sold for 40k less than the offer on my home. Their home has not ever had 1 update since it was built in 1974 and I’ve put about 85k into mine. We are trying to move across the country and just fear that there will be discrepancies with this appraisal.
That’s wild. I can understand a quick inspection if the lender basically wanted the appraiser to just glance at the inside in light of COVID as opposed to doing a regular full interior / exterior observation. The pandemic has certainly changed appraisal inspections lately. But six minutes is so fast and I totally get your concern. I would be on pins and needles too and frankly I would feel just the same. In terms of value, despite the quick inspection, hopefully the appraiser will use an apples to apples approach. Just because a property next door sold doesn’t mean it’s a “comp” (or an “apple” so to speak). Best wishes Nicole. Sorry to hear about this.
Oh, it’s an FHA deal as well. It’s been a nightmare. 🙁
I’m guessing the lender is not requiring a full interior inspection in light of the pandemic. Still, that’s pretty darn quick. I hope not too quick…
On your list of “dont’s” , #10 is do not make a list
of recent improvements but then on the list of what
to do before an appraiser comes , you have ” make a list of recent improvements”
listed at #2. Can you please clarify? Thank you
Nancy Satallante
Hi Nancy. I really appreciate your question. This is a list of what NOT to do, so I think at the time I wrote this post I was trying to be clever with basically saying “Don’t not make a list.” So in other words, make a list. I don’t think I would say it like this again because it’s confusing, but I guess at the time I wrote this post so many years ago that’s what I said. 🙂 Please let me know if you have any other questions. And yes, please do make a list.