I did an interview recently with Phil Crawford of the Voice of Appraisal show. This was a real honor since I love what Phil is doing for the appraisal industry. It’s nice to hear a fresh voice in a field that needs more unity and sometimes a reminder to embrace a progressive vision for business. Give the interview a listen below (or here) and let me know what you think. Phil and I talk shop for about 20 minutes, and my segment begins at 15:11. Thank you so much to anyone who came here after listening to the show too. I am truly honored.
Thoughts on Being a Local Real Estate Expert: One of the things Phil and I talked about briefly was the importance of becoming a local real estate expert. I cannot emphasize how vital it is for both appraisers and real estate agents to pay close attention to local real estate data. I know that sounds dull, but keep in mind how effective it is for business when you can speak confidently and definitely about HOW the market is moving and WHY it is moving. Being in tune with your real estate market in depth is especially helpful since consumers are trusting websites like Zillow more and more these days. Why not invite consumers to trust you instead? Why let a big company become the go-to source for real estate data and information?
This is a slide from one of the presentations I give in real estate offices each month on seeing the current market. I unpack this slide a bit further in 3 reasons why knowing real estate trends is NOT just for data geeks.
Blog Tidbits: For any new subscribers, I post two times per week (sometimes only once). Most of the time I talk about issues that are relevant nationally for the real estate community, though at least twice a month I have two very hyper-local posts on the Sacramento housing market. Trends here of course often tend to echo what is happening in other places too.
Question: Any thoughts on marketing in real estate, the appraisal industry, or knowing local data? I’d love to hear your take. If you’re here for the first time too, please introduce yourself.
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Listened to the show yesterday Ryan and really enjoyed it. I’m with you, the complaining bus has left the station and its time for us to be proactive in marketing our business by being the local expert and trusted professional. Thanks for representing appraisers well.
Thanks so much Tom. I like how you put that with the “complaining bus”. Well said. I hope you do an interview soon on the show too.