I saw this not too long ago and it’s definitely interesting. Before stepping on the lawn I actually made sure I was not going to sink. Maybe this could provide for some very creative landscaping opportunities.
Photos from the Field
Photos from the Field: An American Flag Gate
I snapped this shot while appraising a property in Wheatland, CA. I was taking comp photos when I stumbled upon this house. I felt compelled to grab the image because it’s not every day you see an American flag gate, right? Not only is the gate painted as a flag, but it’s clearly built to be a flag if you can see more closely the horizontal slats as stripes and a rectangular portion for stars. What do you think? Would you like to have this patriotic gate as a part of your home? Would you mind if your neighbors had something like this? Feel free to comment above if you’d like.
www.SacramentoAppraisalBlog.com Photos from the Field: An American Flag Gate
Vacant Site in Newman, CA: Photo from the Field
While in Newman, CA today on an appraisal inspection I snapped the following image of a vacant site that will someday be Hurd Barrington Elementary School. According to the Newman Crows Landing Unified School District (NCLUSD), ground for this school was broken in July 2009.
Vacant residential and commercial sites are fairly common in today’s market when considering developments that are newer in age (and ones that were not quite built out before the real estate bubble burst). Whenever I see an image as such, or even vacant residential lots, a “coming soon” sign for a neighborhood park or commercial area, I always think of the phrase “a sign of the times”.
www.SacramentoAppraisalBlog.com Vacant Site in Newman, CA: Photo from the Field