Sellers have been saying goodbye to some of the equity they gained during the past couple of years. In Sacramento, we’ve actually lost 40% of the pandemic gains since May. Today I want to talk about price trends, and I hope this is helpful – whether you’re local or not. Skim quickly or digest slowly.
11/15/22 Sacramento Bee Q&A at 12pm (RSVP here)
11/17/22 Bias & Real Estate Lunch & Learn (RSVP here)
12/5/22 SAFE Credit Union market update on Zoom (register here (free))
1/18/23 WCR Market Update in Cameron Park (details TBD)
1/19/23 Big market update at SAR on Zoom (details TBD)
1/23/23 Residential RoundUP (register here (free))
The trend isn’t going to be the same in every location across the country, but I suggest paying attention to pockets like Sacramento, Boise, and Phoenix that all seems to be the poster child for quick market change.
We’ve seen sharp price declines over the past six months as the median price has dropped by $75,000 (or 12%) since May in the Sacramento region. This is about three times the normal speed for seasonal softening. This doesn’t mean every property is literally worth 12% less, but I have to say the change is sizeable when looking at neighborhood comps lately and hearing feedback from real estate agents. Sellers, did you hear that?
Change: The median price rose $185,000 from the beginning of the pandemic, and $75,000 of that increase has disappeared over the past six months. Or we could say the median price is still up $110,000 from March 2020.
I heard someone talk about the housing market as if it was a parked car, but I disagree with the analogy because the market hasn’t literally stopped. For instance, over the past two months in the region there were 1,800 fewer sales compared to last year, but there were nearly 3,400 sales that did happen. I find it’s easy to fixate on the glaring portion of the market that’s missing, but let’s not forget to see the part that is happening.
It’s easy to fixate on the median price for the region, but when appraising in neighborhoods my trendlines are also showing a sharp change. Here’s an example with the 95747 ZIP code in Roseville. As I talked about recently, I am definitely selecting the “declining” box in my appraisal reports.
“My neighborhood is super special.” I know, it really is, and so are you. But all ships rise and fall with the tide. What I mean is every price range has seen an effect from higher mortgage rates. Keep in mind volume is down in every single price range in the region too, which reinforces this point. However, the bottom half of the market has seen the biggest change in volume, which suggests buyers who are more sensitive to rate changes are having a more difficult time.
This is exactly what sellers need to hear right now. The median price in the Sacramento region is the same as it was last October. On one hand this feels like a big event, but it’s really not a shocker since prices have changed quickly to adapt to a dramatic shift in the monthly mortgage payment. In other words, a sharp change in rates has led to a sharp change in the stats.
This market hasn’t been easy for iBuyers. 76% of Opendoor‘s active listings are listed below their acquisition price. This is blatant carnage. Keep in mind Opendoor typically has a 5% credit from the seller, but even with that it’s not enough to be profitable in so many of these listings.
Redfin: It was announced this morning that Redfin is stopping their iBuyer business. Here are some Redfin stats I posted on Twitter.
Prices have dropped, but this hasn’t translated to more affordability since rates have continued to rise. Some people are predicting lower rates in 2023, but we’re going to have to wait to see what happens. Almost nobody gets their rate predictions right, and I don’t pretend to have a crystal ball.
The problem with overpricing is prices are going down, so the longer you’re on the market, the more you lose. Not only will you have to lower the price due to being overpriced from the beginning, but you now have to lower even more due to prices declining since you listed. It’s a double-whammy.
For five months in a row the median price has dropped by about 2.5% each month, and this visual helps show the change. The red line is the pre-pandemic average so we can see what “normally” happens from month to month. For instance, from September to October the median price normally dips by -0.07% (red line), but this year in 2022 the dip was -2.65% (black line). Remember, this doesn’t mean every property has literally lost 2.5% in actual value. Moreover, not every county has shown the same loss either by the month.
I can’t emphasize enough the importance of looking to neighborhood comps to understand the market. In other words, DO NOT automatically impose a downward 2.5% regional metric on a property (big mistake). But don’t take these stats lightly either. If anything, these numbers can be a cold shower to wake sellers up. There is a smaller pool of buyers right now, so price it right to meet buyers where they are at.
Here’s a look at stats compared to last year. Remember, closed sales in October really tell us what the market used to be like in September when the bulk of these properties got into contract.
Looking at sequential months is key too so we don’t just get stuck or hyper-focused on last year (the past).
MARKET STATS: I’ll have lots of market stats out this week on my social channels, so watch Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Thanks for being here.
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Questions: What stands out to you above? What are you seeing happen with prices right now? I’d love to hear your take.
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I’m in Portland and was working on an appraisal market analysis for a suburb. In that analysis, for a common size home around $600k price, we were seeing an average of roughly $300 per day price gains for the two years prior to April of 2022 using contract date. In the months after April of 2022, we have seen roughly $250 per day of price declines. I know this is just one example of one submarket but it is interesting.
Thank you Gary. I really appreciate getting to hear an example like this. Please keep me posted. So, basically your market isn’t going down as fast as it went up (kidding –> I know this is only one example).
Great post as always Ryan! I love the Dumb and Dumber visual. While we have not seen the level of decline that Sacramento has, things are slowing down and some declines are starting to take place. I’ve been telling my pre-listing clients that they need to listen to the market. If they list their home and are not getting any offers, their list price is too high. It’s not rocket science but some buyers are digging-in like nothing’s changing.
Thanks Jaime. And it sounds like you’re giving great advice. Kudos to you. It’s not easy to listen to the market. The current trend goes against alluring hot real estate headlines over the past couple of years, and locally the change has been really fast, which is also not easy to adjust to. But it doesn’t matter. Sellers need to listen. Whether it’s easy or difficult, when listening to the market doesn’t happen, properties don’t get sold.
Hey Ryan, great information as always. I’m seeing the same trends. See you at the Bias class.
Thanks Joe. Is that the REAA class next month? Or the bias and real estate convo I’m doing next week?
And thanks for the confirmation of trends.
I’m signed up for the SAR seminar and for the REAA class. Hope to see you at both.
And as always, real estate is local. I’m working on that Colusa deal you sent my way and trends have been fairly stable in the Colusa city market and the Colusa County acreage market in the past six months, unlike most of my other markets.
Right on Joe. I’m excited for the SAR event (and a little nervous too if I’m honest). Thanks for the scoop on Colusa. That’s good to know. I’m anxious to see how markets in outlying areas fare in today’s climate.
Past History Reality Sandwich: I was in Los Angeles, specifically, the San Fernando Valley in 1990-1993, when the entire market dropped by ONE-THIRD… The entire Defense industry packed up and left town… No Dodd-Frank Act protection back in the bloody, broken, high pressure days of the Last Century… I lost many, many broker clients, when I checked the DECLINING box… Reason: Lender would not accept the Appraisal or the Broker’s clients might have to pay 1 or 2 extra Points, at the time of closing…. Yes… it will continue to get ugly… Be careful…
Thanks for sharing, Bruce. It’s sobering how market change can happen, and it’s very unfortunate that clients couldn’t handle the truth. I do wonder about today and whether appraisers are facing any backlash for checking the box so to speak. I’d love to hear from anyone in the comments (or DM me). I’ve reached out to a number of loan officers and so far they haven’t had anything to say about the box being a negative (though to be fair, I think it’s been more than a decade since we’ve seen this box checked, so some LOs are out of the loop). Some of the loan officers have been clearly expecting the box to be checked though too, and surprised when it isn’t.
Great article. I will share with your information to Realtors and sellers alike. Thank you for your always informative and clear to understand blog.
Thank you sincerely. I really appreciate it. And keep me posted with anything you’re seeing out there.
Hello Ryan, I began my real estate career in Sac-Placer county, spent 5 years in Portland left Sac in 2012 and started my business here in CO in 2013. My college roommate sent me this artical, he still lives there, and I appreciate your articalls. Do you happen to know anyone doing a similar service in Colorado? I would like to be added to your letter and thank you for your service.
Dave Husmann
Hi Dave. Sorry for the later response as I was out of town since Thursday. Thanks for the kind words. If it’s relevant to follow along, you can subscribe if you wish by entering your email at the top of the sidebar to the right. No pressure.
Unfortunately I do not know someone. I wish it was more common to see a deep analysis of the market by boots on the ground people. If you are looking for some quick stats, maybe at the least check out Redfin to see if they have your area covered.