Everywhere I go people are talking about housing. So it wasn’t a surprise to have a market conversation with a hair stylist while flying to Texas last week. We talked about real estate bubbles and mullets. Anyway, here’s a few quick takeaways and some thoughts after attending an amazing conference called AppraiserFest.
Of course I shared this conversation on Twitter:
1) Opinions: Everyone has an opinion about what the market is doing or will do in the future. These days when I meet people I tend to ask them what they think is happening, and I’m always grateful and fascinated to hear responses. The truth is I like to hear opinions, but the bigger issue is an opinion without influence from local data isn’t that meaningful, whether it’s from a hair stylist, economist, or real estate professional.
2) Local data: The only thing that really matters right now is local data. What do the stats say the market is doing? What is the word on the street? What are we hearing from sellers and buyers? What is normal and not normal for a slower fall season? More than ever we need to pay attention and sometimes sift through the hype of doom & gloom real estate headlines too. This market presents us an opportunity to be objective, honest about not knowing the future exactly, and creative to find ways to describe what the market is doing. On a side note I’ll have my big monthly market update posted next week.
3) Mullets: Speaking of mullets, six years ago I helped coin the term “parcel mullet” to explain the phenomenon of having a short lawn in the front and a long lawn in the back. Either you think that’s hilarious or now you know I’m immature.
I just got back from a conference called AppraiserFest. It was incredible to hang with nearly 300 other appraisers for a few days in San Antonio. I was honored to speak too. Anyway, here’s a couple of things on my mind that I wanted to share as an encouragement to real estate professionals.
1) Islands: It’s easy in real estate to go about things alone or be an “island” so to speak. But growing professionally and learning often involves intentionally being around people who will help us grow. I know this seems basic, but often appraisers are solo artists and completely isolated. That’s not a good thing, and it’s one reason why it was so powerful to see appraisers come together.
2) Finding people: With so much talk about the market changing, it’s critical to be surrounded by people who are accurately interpreting the market and helping us think through issues. My encouragement is to find others to help you think out of the box when it comes to real estate trends (and being successful in any market). I realize that’s a bit vague, but it’s something that needs to happen. As a side note I read Jonathan Miller’s Housing Notes every Friday without fail, and that’s one practical thing I do to help keep my mind sharp. For me Jonathan is one of those people who speaks into my life from afar and I’m better for it. That’s one reason why it was a real pleasure to meet him in person this past week.
I hope that was interesting or helpful.
Market update video: Here’s a video I did with Realtor Doug Reynolds a couple weeks ago to talk through the fall market. Check it out if you’d like. If you want to do something like this too, let me know.
NOTE about this video: Someone asked me how much I charge to share a video with an agent like the one above. In short, I will NEVER do that. I shared this because I was in the video and the content is worth digesting. I did this video for free with Doug and that’s what I do with everyone. I have a couple more video shoots on the docket and I may share those eventually too, but only if they actually fit with what I’m saying. If a video doesn’t add value or fit within what I’m trying to say, then it won’t get shared. Make sense? Hopefully so.
Questions: In what places are you having real estate conversations lately? What voices are you listening to right now that are helping you grow and think through the market?
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