Let’s look at some specific neighborhoods today in Sacramento. How is the real estate market evolving in each of these areas? In this post I plan to include 10 graphs, but the fun part is YOU CHOOSE which ones I make.
HOW IT WORKS: Email me a request to graph a specific neighborhood or area. I’ll then make a graph like the ones below and post it here over the next few days. Keep checking back. You can use the graph as personal research, for a listing presentation or post online as you see fit. I’ll need three things:
- Name: Location or name of neighborhood (in Sacramento, Placer or Yolo).
- Time: How many years of sales do you want on the graph (1 to 5 years)?
- Other: Do you want to see all sales? Or would you like to refine data to see a certain square footage range, bedroom count, etc…?
Send me a quick email? Seriously. ryan@lundquistcompany.com
NOTE: I have all graphs in larger sizes if you need them. Just email me.
1) Antelope: Here all all sales over the past 5 years in Antelope per request of Scott. Isn’t it interesting to see how the market has moved? Bottomed out in early 2012, massive appreciation and then leveling off.
2) Days on Market for Antelope Sales: How long have sales in Antelope spent on the market? Here are all sales. A chart of average number of days on market each month or quarter would be great, but maybe in a different post.
3) Midtown/Downtown: Per request in a comment below, here are all sales in Midtown/Downtown from 0-2 bedrooms and under 1000 sq ft. This graph only includes single family sales – NOT condos. What do you see?
4) Elk Grove: Per request of Bruce, here are all sales between Bruceville, Franklin, Bilby and Elk Grove Blvd. This is the 95757 zip code. Any thoughts?
5) Arden Manor: Per request of Cass, here are all 3-Bed / 1-Bath sales in Arden Manor (located off Watt Avenue in Sacramento in case you are not familiar).
6) Carmichael: Per request of Susan, here are all 3-4 bedroom sales in Carmichael over the past five years. I took the liberty to include only sales under $1,000,000 because there were only a handful above that level (and including them made the graph less legible). It would be interesting to see a precise square footage range in Carmichael as a follow-up to this graph.
7) Natomas: Here are all sales in the 95835 zip code for houses at 3200 sq ft or larger (hope you like this one John).
8) Elk Grove: This is a graph of all sales in Elk Grove under $400,000 with 3-4 bedrooms, 1500-3000 sq ft of living area and properties built between 1997 to 2007. Hope you like it Gary.
9) Condos in City of Sacramento: This pie graph helps shows all condo sales in the City of Sacramento from 2010 to 2014 – and it really says something about the market, doesn’t it? Being that many condo complexes have too many rentals, pending litigation or some other issue that is a turn-off for financing, there has been a very high percentage of cash purchases. Note this is the City of Sacramento and NOT the entire county. Hope you enjoy this one Barbara.
10) Laguna West in Elk Grove: Here are all sales with a gross living area between 2400-3000 and with no pool in the Laguna West neighborhood over the past three years. Hope you like this one Doug.
Examples for Blog Post:
Mather: This graphs shows all 1479 model sales in Mather over the past five years. I appraised a model recently that was priced beyond the highest recent sale. It was out of sync with the market.
Gold River Station: It’s easy to confuse Gold River Station with Gold River, but they are two different areas. Gold River Station is located just north of Highway 50 and immediately south of the Gold River HOA. Gold River Station is not a part of Gold River, which is important to consider when choosing comparable sales.
Any thoughts, insight or questions?
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Name: Location or name of neighborhood. Downtown/Midtown.
Time: How many years of sales do you want on the graph (5 years)
Other: Do you want to see all sales? 0-2 bdrm, under 1000sf.
Hi there. I made the graph above. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.
Hi Ryan – What do you show for 3-4 bedroom homes in Carmichael (95608) from October 2008 through latest stats” This one I would think would show a dramatic curve. Your graphs are great!
Hi Susan. Thank you for the comment. I will get to that at some point today. 🙂
Even though we’re in Placer, this is great stuff – and how about that last January (ouch)! Great graphs Ryan. Powerful items to see the patterns and behaviors these past few years (and more).
Thanks so much Heather. I appreciate it. I do hope these are helpful to provide some context for agents and owners alike. It seems I’ve been getting good feedback so far.