I have a new way to explain how price per sq ft works in real estate. It’s helpful but maybe a little creepy too. No matter what, we need word pictures in real estate to explain concepts, so let’s chat.
The big idea: Using a price per sq ft figure from a different house is sort of like photoshopping someone else’s body on your own. It just might not fit.
Instagram model vs dad bod: Think about it this way. When we use a price per sq ft figure to price a home it can be like taking an Instagram model’s body and putting it on a dad bod. It just doesn’t belong or fit. The problem is we’ve imposed something entirely different on another thing, and it looks awkward. The same holds true in residential real estate when we hijack a price per sq ft figure from a dissimilar house down the street and use it to price a property. Thus if we’re not careful we can end up pricing a “dad bod” home like it was an Instagram model simply because we priced according to model metrics instead of other dad bod sales… Okay, let’s not take this analogy any further. Do you catch my drift though?
Pick your poison: This example isn’t intended to tackle all aspects of price per sq ft, but only help stir conversation. I actually use Starbucks cups and Lamborghinis too, but that’s just me. My advice? Use what works for you.
One more thing. I’m writing as a guy who is currently on a diet, so I’m definitely not poking fun at the reality of dad bods.
I hope this was helpful (and not too creepy).
Is Blackstone selling? I see Invitation Homes (Blackstone) has a handful of properties listed on the market right now. These could be non-performing assets of course, but we have to ask if they are starting to sell off some inventory too. Stay tuned.
Sign giveaway: Last week I wrote about people who are leaving the market, and I’m giving away the shabby chic signs I made on this Facebook post.
Video: Here’s a video I made to talk through the danger of abusing price per sq ft. Enjoy if you wish. It’s about six minutes.
Question: Does this example work? How do you explain how price per sq ft works in real estate? I’d love to hear your take.
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