It’s time to run toward the housing market. Today, I have some quick thoughts of encouragement for the real estate community as we look to 2024. I know it’s a holiday week, but I really want to share this message. And I have some cool stats too. Scroll quickly or digest slowly.
NOTE: This post is not about predictions or advice for buyers or sellers. We’ll have plenty of time to talk about 2024, but not today.
11/30/23 Safe CU “Preparing for a Successful New Year”
12/08/23 Free Q&A event for appraisers only (on private work)
11am PST one hour – click link here (see pass code)
Meeting ID: 832 2414 3890 Passcode: 007
01/31/24 Joel Wright & Mike Gobbi Event 9am (on Zoom here)
3/11/24 Yolo Association of Realtors (details TBA)
The real estate business has been brutal this year for so many people. It was easy in 2021 when business was flying off the shelves, but the volume floodgates have turned into a trickle, and that’s made all the difference today.
Anyway, here’s what I want to say. It’s easy to contract and let fear and uncertainty dominate the mind and heart in moments like this. But today it’s key to run toward the market. I realize that sounds super cheesy and ambiguous, but it’s something I’m going to be emphasizing ahead. In short, it’s time to face the challenge of whatever comes in the future, know the stats, be a resource to clients, find ways to increase the size of your network, figure out how to be hopeful, and pour time and money into your business. In other words, discover ways to stand out while others contract. In Sacramento, we’re missing about 9,000 sales this year from the pre-2020 normal, but over 15,000 sales have happened. Which one of those stats will you focus on most?
Mindset is one of the most important things about today’s market, and the good news is that’s what we can control. So, however you need to do it, cultivate a mindset to win, serve, and be present for the people around you. Surround yourself with forward-thinking colleagues. Learn new skills. Change your focus. Diversify what you’re doing. Find things that bring you joy in life (and do them). Stop listening to housing doom voices that promote fear and use you for clicks. Oh, and if you’re doomscrolling constantly, maybe it’s time to step back to regain control of your life. One of the blessings of the internet is having so much instant information at our fingertips, and that’s also one of the curses.
Some questions to brainstorm for 2024:
– How do you plan to increase the size of your network this year?
– Who do you need to get to know?
– Who are the gatekeepers to the types of work you want to do?
– Who do you need to get in front of this week?
– How do you need to diversify?
– What do people need from you right now?
– What laws are changing that might create more work?
– What trends are we poised to see in 2024 based on current stats?
– How are you going to build good relationships with people today?
– How are people going to remember you during this housing downturn?
– If you’ve lost hope, how are you going to find it again?
– If you’ve become a negative person, how are you going to find optimism?
Okay, now some topics.
I put out this video a few days ago to explain how housing supply can grow even without more new sellers. That’s basically what seems to have happened when looking at stats from September and October. I previously tried to explain this with graphs, but I’m not sure the concept landed. Anyway, here’s a word picture to help. Keep in mind, it’s possible we could be in the mist of slightly more new listings too. Only time will tell. No matter what, let’s be thinking about how these piles can change. Watch on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Appraiser friends, I’m going to do a private work Q&A thingy on December 8th at 11am PST. My goal is to encourage and give some ideas for putting yourself out there to get private work. I’ll go through a presentation, and then we’ll do Q&A. One hour or more if needed. This is free. I’m not selling anything. Here is the link to the Zoom (Meeting ID: 832 2414 3890 Passcode: 007). ONLY for appraisers. This will not be recorded, so be there live if you’re interested.
As I said last week, I’m taking a few more counties for a test drive with stats, so I thought it might be cool to see side-by-side comparisons. The one thing I don’t like here is some smaller counties have erratic monthly stats.
Here are some new visuals to show financing over time in Sacramento. I’m actually going to post a reel on my Instagram next week to talk about what more cash means and doesn’t mean. I wasn’t sure if these visuals would resonate, but people seemed to like the colors. One loan officer said Oregon Trail vibes (if you know, you know).
I spoke in San Francisco last month, so now I have some spreadsheets itching to be updated. Not sure I’ll do this every month, but I do like the idea of putting out some chaotic median price visuals here and there. I also have some volume visuals, but we’ll see on those.
Thanks for being here. And Happy Thanksgiving to you. My family will be laying low for a few days, playing some pool, and hopefully connecting with friends since we no longer have local family in the area. We are not preparing turkey because we honestly just don’t like it. Last year we got Indian food takeout, and this year we might do something even more unconventional.
Questions: What are you doing for Thanksgiving? And what stood out to you most above? I’d love to hear.
If you liked this post, subscribe by email (or RSS). Thanks for being here.
I’d agree that it’s definitely slow in most areas. I personally had a big increase in work from people condoizing large office buildings into smaller units, don’t’ know if it’s a trend or a blip. Happy no-Turkey day.
Thanks Nathan. That’s really great to hear. There has been so much attention about commercial to residential conversions, but it’s seemed more like eye-candy. It’s great to hear this is happening in your area. I’d love to see more of that. And congrats on being a part of the cutting edge of a trend. There are ways to thrive in any market, but I suspect doing the same thing that worked in years past might not cut the mustard. Props to you.
Thanks for reading too. I appreciate it. Here’s to a turkey-less Thanksgiving!!!!
Happy non-Turkey Day Ryan. Hope you enjoy your slower holiday this year. We’re big fans of turkey over here so I suspect we’ll offset your family’s lack of demand.
We’re headed to Anderson Valley for wine tasting for Black Friday. Here’s hoping the crowds stay away….
It’s interesting that we’re seeing reduced demand at the same time interest rates are declining. This will be something to watch if rates decline further.
Thanks for picking up our slack, Joe. And thanks for being willing to moderate the appraiser event I mentioned in this post. I really appreciate you. It sounds like a fun weekend ahead.
Regarding demand, we could se an uptick soon. Totally agree about watching that. When thinking about new listings vs active listings, the data I’m looking at is the change between September through October, which really helped show a trend. November could give us different vibes. Lower rates can make a big difference. Last week the MBA showed slightly higher purchase volume, but we can’t pin the trend on one week. I’m finding comparisons to 2022 are getting weird with new listings in particular as the downtrend was very sharp last year. Anyway, I’m eager to see how it pans out.
I love the positivity Ryan! We are all in this together, I personally find mutual support and encouragement to be incredibly helpful. This year started out slower than usual for me, but in the last quarter I have seen a jump in my 2023 business- buyers and sellers who are relocating for work, trust sales, etc. In slower periods I try a variety of activities- staying informed (by doing things like subscribing to Ryan Lundquist ?), interacting with my SOI, etc. Keep moving and keep positive! As far as Thanksgiving, I confess to being a total nerd for all the traditional stuff- family, parades, turkey and football. Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving however you choose to celebrate it!
Hey, my winky face after Ryan Lundquist got changed to a question mark!
I love it Michael. Thanks so much for sharing, and I’m really happy to hear about a rebound to close the year. That’s fantastic. And there’s nothing wrong with the traditional meal. I actually love most portions of the meal. I just don’t like the main course so to speak. I’m excited the 49ers are playing this year. That will 100% be a part of our day on Thursday!!! Oh, and no biggie on the question mark. I don’t know why that happens sometimes. Thanks though.
Great advice to always work on your business, especially when it’s slow, but easy to forget.
Thanks Gary. Love the way you said that. It seems like the wait for the phone to ring plan is the easy path during a slower season, but assembling an action plan is so much better. 🙂
Thank you so much for this very needed message Ryan! It is right on time! I’m very grateful for you and all you do! Best to you and your family!
Thanks for your kind words, Melissa. Happy Thanksgiving to you!!!
Great graphs and data points Ryan! I hope you got to lay low, and enjoy some quality time with family. Here in Tennessee, listings have gone up, but they are still not lasting long on the market, and things are still selling for asking for the most part. Cheers!
Thanks Jim. It was great to relax. Now let’s bring on Christmas for another break. Haha. Thanks for chiming in, and I really appreciate hearing about your area too. Sounds similar to my market.